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Logo Contest

Deadline is May 1st, 2024

BLAST is conducting a logo contest for our next meeting being held on January 19-24, 2025, in Cancun, Mexico, USA.

Prize is $500 off Registration Fee

Past BLAST meetings utilized a logo to promote the meeting and the logos were used on t-shirts and other meeting materials. The logo should be a design that reflects this BLAST meeting.

Logo Contest Information:

  1. The logo must include “BLAST XVIII”, “2025”, and “Cancún, Mexico”. Inclusion of the full BLAST name and/or meeting dates is optional.

  2. No copyrighted material or images may be used

  3. The submitted image should be in .jpg format. The winner will be expected to provide a .tif file at ≥ 300 dpi resolution.

  4. One individual may submit up to three logos.

  5. The logo should not include the artist’s name.

  6. The deadline for receipt of entries is 12:00 noon US Eastern Daylight Time on Wednesday, May 1,2024

  7. Submit entry via email attachment Be sure to include “LOGO CONTEST” in the subject line or submit at "Submit Logo" button above.



  • The winner will be determined by majority vote of the BLAST Board of Directors and the BLAST XVIII Meeting Chair and Vice-Chair.

  • Judges and BLAST administrators are not eligible to submit contest entries.

  • Judges will not know the identity of the artist until after the winner is selected.

  • Judges reserve the right to not select a winner, if, in their sole discretion, none of the submitted designs are suitable.

  • The winning artist may be asked to refine their design in response to feedback from BLAST,Inc.

  • We plan to unveil the winning design on the BLAST X site@BlastMeetings in mid-May2024.


Learn More about BLAST:

BLAST XVII meeting and session’s information -

Past meeting logos -


Terms and Conditions:


By entering this competition and submitting the design or any other creative materials (“Materials”), you agree that the Materials become the sole and exclusive property of BLAST, Inc. and will not be returned, and you agree to the Submission Terms and Conditions found and incorporated here and summarized below. The selected designer/winning entrant agree that BLAST, Inc. may, but is not obligated to, use the Materials in connection with the BLAST XVIII meeting and on websites and social media, including X. BLAST, Inc. reserves the right to duplicate the winning entry for the purposes of promotion of the meeting and use for all BLAST XVIII meeting materials.  The winning entrant agrees to allow use of their name by BLAST, Inc. in public recognition for creating the winning design. BLAST, Inc. will not incorporate the artist’s name into reproductions of the winning logo.

BLAST, Inc. agrees that it will not use non-winning entries in any manner, and ownership of non-winning designs will revert to the artist.

Further, you represent and warrant that: i) all Materials are 100% original; ii) the Materials do not violate any third parties’ rights of privacy, publicity, or constitute a defamation against any person or entity; iii) that the Materials will not infringe upon or violate the copyright or common law rights or any other rights of any person or entity; and iv) that you are at least 18 years of age. You agree to indemnify BLAST for all damages and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of any breach or failure of the warranties made herein.

BLAST, Inc. and employees, members of the BLAST Board of Directors, and the BLAST XVIII Meeting Chair and Vice-Chair are not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, incomplete, illegible, or otherwise unusable entries, including entries that are lost or unusable due to computer, internet, or electronic problems.



If you have questions about the contest, please contact Bob Bourret (, Chair, Board of Directors, BLAST, Inc.

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